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シェール開発とその実態、R. Heinberg、

R. Heinberg、世界のベストセラー「Party's Over」の著者、が「成長の限界」から「石油ピーク」までを、詳細に語る。

Youtube text:
 Recorded February 25th, 2014 in Vancouver, BC. Richard Heinberg speaks on his newest book, covering the short-term nature of the recent North American oil boom and the financial bubble that supports it. Heinberg covers the implications of the 2016-2017 peak in unconventional output by providing essential information for any community facing the false promises of companies planning to extract reality

 Our economy is based on a model of constant growth – growth in production, consumption and population. Economic growth has provided rising standards of living in the West and seen millions in China and India lifted out of poverty. This model has been disrupted in many countries by the global financial crisis, which is now seeing another round of casualties, particularly in Europe. Will things settle down with growth resuming, or will our economies bump up against a wall of finite resources? And if they do, what will this mean the global balance of power?

On Peak Oil Denial Matthew Simmons - Chairman, Simmons & Co. International 2013/02/11 公開、
故Simmons(1943 – 2010)は生前、ブッシュ大統領のエネルギーアドバイザーでした。
by tikyuu_2006 | 2015-06-21 10:33 | エネルギー、環境
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